Intoxicated: Behind Bars

Intoxicated: Behind Bars is an ongoing project consisting of a series of photographs featuring couples that find themselves in bars, specifically the Elkhorn Saloon on Old River Road. Usually when someone is in a bar time stops, they go there for both small and deep conversations, it can serve as a communal meetup place for both new and old relationships. There are times when someone is so intoxicated with what they’re drinking, they are put into a position where they are vulnerable. However, all while being in a bar with someone of interest, now that is the intoxication in itself. In this series I take it further by challenging each couple with their comfortability in a very public vicinity and showing that through colors, gestures, and emotions; providing the viewers with the narrative of a beginning (Attraction), middle (Infatuation), and end (So Close, Yet So Far).

During Selective Site, a gallery hosted by the Sacramento State photo program, my installation featured a question box. The question box served as a way to tell someone you love how you feel without actually telling them or to “describe a time when you were intoxicated with your partner.” The purpose was not only to gain information and be interactive, but I hoped it would create an outlet for people to gain answers or the push them to tell someone how they feel,  or perhaps some clarity to move forward in your life whether that be with the person of your past, present or future.

I received such great responses and when reading the messages, I admit I found myself in the writers position. I felt heavy, anxious, worried. I felt hopeful, hopeless. I felt full, warm, complete. I hope you as a viewer can admire these people’s vulnerability as discussing their thoughts and emotions can be tough, anonymous or not. But I ask you this just for one moment try to be them, be intoxicated as they are, were and hopefully will be.

And so, here are your stories:

(I’ll be posting more as I take the photos, updates on my social media so follow me! @jessshootme)