Feature Friday - Brandon & Sarah

I have entirely so much to say about Brandon and Sarah, but I'll try to contain myself!

I have known Brandon for roughly 10 years, and I had the chance to photographer his and Sarahs wedding 4 years ago. Now, here we are again!

So, how’s the married life??

Well, when in their home I felt all the love radiating, not to mention the way they parent was amazing and inspiring. It is so important to understand each other when parenting. When I watched them interact it was like watching a perfectly managed football game. I don’t mean discipline either, because Sass was incredibly well behaved and WAY smart! Aside from their parenting, this family was so damn cute, I couldn’t even. The photographs speak for themselves.

Our sessions consisted of outside with the crispy cold air, and inside their homes being all comfy and cozy with their cute bear family mugs (now an expectation if I ever start a family!) Oh! They also played a game of Twister until their twin cats decided they want to join in. To say the least, it got just a little crazy!

I can’t wait to see if any future sessions pop up these this family.