First Things First

This is the first blog post, not saying my first of all time, but a first for this website. This also signifies the first goal in blogging I set for myself and to stay committed to. However, if no one reads these blog entries except for myself, that's okay. Blogging is much like keeping a dairy or even writing a song, which I am both familiar with.

Every session I have has a story to tell. It could be motivating or just plan fun and needs to be told. I am sure that people enjoy reading about how someone has a special day that turn into wonderful memories. Why wouldn't anyone be happy reading about other peoples happiness? Now, behind the many sessions I have there lies myself, the photographer.

First things first, what story could I possibly have?

I don't believe that many people know that I have been holding a camera since I could remember. I always had my camera pointed up my families noses, mostly because I was short and small! Throughout the years I lost that urge to photograph. Middle school came and I was more interested in video games and friends. Then high school rolled around and I suddenly begin to use a camera again, with the help of my photography teacher and other art teachers, I gained experience and more techniques that I am so grateful for despite how judgmental it made me! Every year I was in a photo course and my last year I was the teachers pe- lab aide! Jokes aside, those teachers I had really shaped my artistic eye. Now here is where I lost my sense of direction, college. In college, I decided I wanted to major in film editing (I love video as well!), that quickly changed when I made the decision to attend a community college. I wanted to major in graphic design, and let me tell you changing majors is no fun especially when you have taken every single course already in that major, but I changed it again. This time it was photography and I stuck with every step of the way. I had over 90 units due to switching majors, but like I said I stuck with it until the end. Again, the professor I had for photography really shaped me even landed me a few gigs working with the college in the Drama, Dance, and Athletics department. She eventually helped me land a job in the photo department, where I really got the abilities to work with students and help them, when in reality they were really helping me. Then I finally graduated with an AA, transferring to CSUS with of course a major in photography. Enough of school talk!

Now for jobs that I had had a lot to deal with arts. I had jobs such as graphic designer (when I decided no way I want to be this!), sports photographer for two difference companies, after school program teacher (you can bet I taught them art), college lab aide, and preschool teacher aide (again art of course, with some science!) I have taken situations into my own hands photographing events (Pride in Stockton for Stocktons' instagram page) and live music (The Maine, Chase Coy, We are the in Crowd, etc). These all helped in one way or another to build my character and my professionalism.

With starting your own business it gets hard, really rough, but it's nothing to fuss over. In time, you find networking and even marketing strategies that truly help. It's like having child, one second you're hugging and kissing them and then the next you're wanting to rip every single piece of hair out! Just watching your baby flourish and grow is amazing, so here's to more blog posts to come about the many adventures of my lovely cilents and myself!