Feature Friday - Cat & Kevin

Let me start off by saying this is one of my favorite sessions because it involves a shower!

Cat & Kevin are honestly goofballs, they laugh and enjoy each others company even if it means sipping coffee and staring out the window. Even by just spending a few hours with them I could see they compliment each other so well. I went in their apartment (which was SUPER CUTE by the way) and was welcomed by their kittys! Then we discussed some options and areas to take photographs in-home, they went from the couch, kitchen, their bedroom where they got both cozy and frisky and all of a sudden I glanced at their bathroom and was all “Shower?!”, and OH my god, how steamy, how hot!!!

Okay, but in all seriousness, they were super precious and their willingness is applauded. However, every couple is different. If your couple does like to show affection, awesome. If they don’t, there’s other ways to show this in photographs. If your couple is “awkward”, don’t blame them for not “getting the shot.” Awkward can be just as precious as any other word that describes beautiful.

It will never be your couples fault for shots you can or can not get. Your are the photographer, they are humans and humans show love differently. Remember that!