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Feature Friday - Violet's first birthday

Waverly & Anthony came to me over a year ago with a baby bump asking for sweet photographs of their family, and now we’re here we are again celebrating their 1 year old, Violet! ! am so lucky to have been able to capture these moments for them and their families.

Some cool things about that day was they had a theme that was SO cute, it was a halloween style theme with bats, watermelon for pumpkins, and spider webbed decor cakes. On tables they had “time capsule” cards where the guests attending could write Violet a message or prediction for her to read when she turns 18. Such a great and heartfelt idea! Violet went from guest to guest, taking photos and getting all the kisses as they come. Once it was time for the cake, Violet dove right in and was not hesitate at all!

I wish nothing but the best for Waverly, Anthony, & Violet!

Feature Friday - Real Moments In Event Photography (Baptisms)

Let’s take a break from all these lovebirds and talk about the real rawness of event photography. I have photographed many couples, young to old and seen many different types of connections. In my last blog I went over how showing affection is different for everyone and when you as a photographer is faced with different ways that people show or view love, you can’t blame them for that. For “missing” photos, that isn’t a thing, that’s your job. Anyway before I go off into a huge rant again - events have easily become photographs that I connect with on somewhat the same level as couples photography.

Unlike couples, events like funerals, baptisms, birthdays, etc show connections between many people not just two. The baptism I photographed show two families joining together to welcome a new member into their community. In celebration for this baby boy to be a new addition and new representation for them of faith and Christianity. During the baptism, I was thinking, “wow I get to witness this scared ceremony”, I never thought of it that way until that day. I’m not sure why, I think due to seeing everyone interactions with each other, with the priest, with the baby boy, really hit me and made me realize these are the real raw moments I love too.

As I am not religious, I do always get sudden chills when people talk about their connections with their beliefs, either that be Christianity, Spirituality, etc. I ‘m always excited and eager to learn about peoples experiences as long as I am not judged for my own. Why? Because people have different insights and experiences and I bet they love talking about it, because when you finally find that connection with whatever belief it may be, you want to share it with the world. There’s no harm in sharing.

(Just remember preaching and sharing are two separate things!)

Enjoy the baptism and cuteness overload of this special boy!

Feature Friday - Cat & Kevin

Let me start off by saying this is one of my favorite sessions because it involves a shower!

Cat & Kevin are honestly goofballs, they laugh and enjoy each others company even if it means sipping coffee and staring out the window. Even by just spending a few hours with them I could see they compliment each other so well. I went in their apartment (which was SUPER CUTE by the way) and was welcomed by their kittys! Then we discussed some options and areas to take photographs in-home, they went from the couch, kitchen, their bedroom where they got both cozy and frisky and all of a sudden I glanced at their bathroom and was all “Shower?!”, and OH my god, how steamy, how hot!!!

Okay, but in all seriousness, they were super precious and their willingness is applauded. However, every couple is different. If your couple does like to show affection, awesome. If they don’t, there’s other ways to show this in photographs. If your couple is “awkward”, don’t blame them for not “getting the shot.” Awkward can be just as precious as any other word that describes beautiful.

It will never be your couples fault for shots you can or can not get. Your are the photographer, they are humans and humans show love differently. Remember that!

Feature Friday - Elisa & Morgan

There are so many couples that I have featured, I’m sure I’ve lost count!

A while ago Elisa & Morgan spent the morning with me and I had my camera on hand, so why not take their photographs? Unexpectedly they agreed and I hope they had fun!

I met Elisa through my photo program and has easily become an inspiration to me. She inspires me to become a better person in terms of helping people and actually caring about other creative artists. We are all competition but we all deserve the respect from one other and help each other.

Aside from our relationship, Elisa and Morgans is super cute. Through the constant reassurance they both give each other to understanding what they both bring into their relationship, it truly shows what a supportive relationship should be all about. I can tell they truly share the same love they have for another.

Feature Monday? - Nichole & Denise

I haven’t made a Feature Friday post in a while, so here’s a Feature Monday! The priorities of school, work, and daily life has taken over my soul. I mean not as dramatic as I make it seem, but balancing life isn’t the easiest! I know we all struggle with that. Time, what a freaking concept.

Nichole & Denise are two gorgeous humans who trusted me for their special day that took place in Lodi, Ca. Denise had a beautiful wedding dress, matched a headpiece that she HAD to have. Check it out for yourself, I absolutely loved it! Nichole was dapper as ever, with a white button down, blue slacks, and simple yet classy brown Oxford shoes. Together they complemented each other so well!

During their ceremony, which took place at Lodi Lake in a tucked away woodsy tunnel, their guests shared laughs and cries, especially during their vows. They all gathered together to share a toast creating a bond between the newlyweds, their son, and wonderful friends. As I learned that the two had known each other for over 15 years touched every bone in my body. They are truly an inspiring young couple, and I’m glad I had the chance to be part of their story!

On a side note: The idea of having a camera pointed at you can be intimidating and sometimes even a little weird. Thank you for that ultimate trust you don’t want to give someone you meet right away. Hey it’s hard to give, but you do it. A big one is trusting me to pull you out of your comfort zone, allowing me to be myself, so you can be yourself. In the end trust has a beautiful outcome. I see how it reflects on our photos we make together. As I look back at those photos I hope they also leave you with “wow moments,” as they do for me.