Feature Friday - Real Moments In Event Photography (Baptisms)

Let’s take a break from all these lovebirds and talk about the real rawness of event photography. I have photographed many couples, young to old and seen many different types of connections. In my last blog I went over how showing affection is different for everyone and when you as a photographer is faced with different ways that people show or view love, you can’t blame them for that. For “missing” photos, that isn’t a thing, that’s your job. Anyway before I go off into a huge rant again - events have easily become photographs that I connect with on somewhat the same level as couples photography.

Unlike couples, events like funerals, baptisms, birthdays, etc show connections between many people not just two. The baptism I photographed show two families joining together to welcome a new member into their community. In celebration for this baby boy to be a new addition and new representation for them of faith and Christianity. During the baptism, I was thinking, “wow I get to witness this scared ceremony”, I never thought of it that way until that day. I’m not sure why, I think due to seeing everyone interactions with each other, with the priest, with the baby boy, really hit me and made me realize these are the real raw moments I love too.

As I am not religious, I do always get sudden chills when people talk about their connections with their beliefs, either that be Christianity, Spirituality, etc. I ‘m always excited and eager to learn about peoples experiences as long as I am not judged for my own. Why? Because people have different insights and experiences and I bet they love talking about it, because when you finally find that connection with whatever belief it may be, you want to share it with the world. There’s no harm in sharing.

(Just remember preaching and sharing are two separate things!)

Enjoy the baptism and cuteness overload of this special boy!